Top Ten distancelearning Articles

Distance Learning
Here are the top ten articles for the Distance Learning Site! These rankings are live and get reset at the beginning of each month, so check back often to see what your fellow visitors are most interested in!

1. Sneaky Plagiarism Techniques
With all the online data available today, students are finding clever techniques to avoid writing their research papers.

2. Educational Lectures on YouTube
Traditional classroom educators must now use technologies that enhance learning in a virtual setting, and the transition can be seamless with the proper tools.

3. Preparing Your First Online Course
Approximately three months before beginning class instruction, create an appropriate set of learning objectives. Highlight critical areas you expect your students to have a thorough understanding of by the end of the course; they should know how to apply their new-found knowledge in the real world.

4. Understanding Learning Styles
Educating students from various age groups and cultures can be challenging for an online instructor. Selecting the best teaching techniques in such an environment demands understanding how individuals learn.

5. A Multigenerational Classroom
Since most online instructional programs are available to students nationwide, and in some cases globally, your classroom will likely contain various age groups and cultures.

6. A Critical-Thinking Mindset
No matter what level of education people achieve, chances are they have, or will eventually come across, the term “critical thinking.” Critical thinking is a process in which an individual questions the reasoning behind a particular claim or decision.

7. Professional Development for Online Teachers
Many online teachers must complete professional development courses to teach undergraduate or graduate programs. You can find ideas to fulfill this requirement in this article.

8. Evaluate Student Performance with Rubrics
In academia, a rubric is a scoring tool that identifies criteria related to a particular assignment or learning objective. It is what both teachers and students use to ascertain the requirements for meeting a specific grade.

9. How Exercise Increases Intellect
We have all heard how regular exercise can contribute to better health and fitness, but did you know a good workout can also improve your mood, memory, concentration, and intellect?

10. Can Artificial Intelligence Assist Teachers?
Let's face it, today, students come equipped with mobile devices inviting their attention. AI in education may enhance learning by allowing teachers more time to interact with students.

Be sure to visit the Distance Learning Archives for all the articles!

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