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Investing $10K in 2014 (Sandra´s Investing Basics)Investing $10K in 2014 (Sandra´s Investing Basics) by Sandra Baublitz

Do you have a large sum of money to invest? Do you hesitate to invest because it seems so complex? Are you too busy to actively manage a portfolio?

This eBook will teach you a profitable and easy to create portfolio. It will show you how to set up an investment plan and how to choose the lowest cost mutual funds. You will learn how to adjust your bond investing to ease, or avoid, losses from rising interest rates. A large sum of money can be easily diversified into a simple and profitable portfolio.

Just a beginner? No worries. Investing $10K in 2014 explains everything in easy to understand language. You will be able to start a well-balanced portfolio when done this eBook.

Too busy to invest? The sample portfolio in this eBook is easy to implement. It is cost effective and easy to maintain. It requires very little attention so you can concentrate on your busy life.

Investing is a journey. You can educate yourself to a profitable future. This eBook is your guide. Get all the information you need for a secure financial future in this quick and thorough eBook.

Price: $2.99

Investing $10K in 2014 (Sandra´s Investing Basics) on Kindle

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Happy Haunting At The Crescent Hotel & Spa

Drought Tolerant Potatoes

Chicken, Broccoli & Rice Bake Recipe


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
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