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Top Selling Ebooks

Wondering what is popular in the BellaOnline ebook library? Here are the current top sellers, always kept up to date!

g #31: Meditation Made Easy: For Health and Happiness

by Debbie Mandel
A compact book of beautiful and effective meditations for beginners - using the five senses.

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g #32: Low Carb Beer Reviews

by Lisa Shea
Are you on a low carb diet but enjoy beer? Here's the perfect book to help you out! This guide provides reviews of 30 brands of beer along with serving information.

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g #33: Water Conservation - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
Water is one of this earth’s most precious resources. Our world is one large network of water flow, and we should each do our part to conserve the water and keep it clean!

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g #34: Quotes - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
Green living is not a one time activity. It’s a way of life. It’s a mantra. The more you make green living a part of every moment, the more mindful you will become of how your actions affect this earth we all call home.

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g #35: ASP SQL Database Coding

by Lisa Shea
If you are developing a website, a sql database can add incredible new functionality to every aspect of what you do. You can provide product lists, newsletter subscribes, and much more.

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g #36: Electricity - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
Electricity might seem like a perfectly clean, almost magical power source that flows smoothly out of little holes in our walls. However, behind the scenes, most electricity is created by burning coal, nuclear power, and other resources.

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g #37: Heating and Cooling - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
Optimizing your heating and cooling systems is one of the most powerful things you can do in your quest to live a more green life. The amount of natural resources needlessly lost during heating and cooling can be mind boggling.

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g #38: Carbon Footprint - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
Knowing your carbon footprint is about knowing how much energy and pollution your daily activities cause to affect the Earth. If each of us watches over our carbon footprint numbers, together we can make our world a cleaner, healthier place to live.

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g #39: Travel - Green Living Series

by Lisa Shea
Travel is a necessary part of our lives. We need to take short trips to the grocery store, medium length trips to get to work, and longer trips to visit relatives. It's important that we take these trips in as eco-friendly a manner as possible.

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g #40: How to Design an English Garden

by Carol Chernega
Many people love the idea of an English garden, but they're not sure how to go about creating one. Use the ideas in this booklet, and you'll think you've been transported to England!

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Top 10 Summer Fragrances of 2024

Michigan's Harbor Country


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Corn on the Cob
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