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Names of God

by Lynne Chapman
The Creator of heaven and earth. Who can know Him? Our God is given names in Scripture that describe individual characteristics of His personality. We can know Him by His names. We can experience God through the names given Him in Scripture.

Our God is huge and unfathomable. Who can perceive the breadth and length and depth and the height of the One who created heaven and earth? I could spend hours sitting and thinking about my Creator, but it is impossible for me to get my mind around the immensity of Who He is. However, the Bible tells us that He is not unknowable. He is a personal and loving God and He invites us to know Him. He wants a close relationship with each one of His children.

In reading the Old Testament of the Bible we see that the Israelites used different names for God as they experienced His different characteristics. By separating each and rejoicing over these individual qualities, they found His true personality more accessible.

Start getting to know your Heavenly Father by looking at the many names given to Him in the Bible and by His grace gain insight into His character. The discussion of each name is a short stand alone study suitable for use as a daily devotional.

  • Adonai-Jehovah means the Lord our Sovereign
  • El-Elyon means the Lord Most High
  • El-Olam means Everlasting God
  • El-Shaddai means God Almighty, God Most High, God of the Mountains, or God Who is Sufficient
  • Elohim means the Powerful Creator
  • Jehovah-Jireh means the Lord will Provide
  • Jehovah-Nissi means the Lord our Banner
  • Jehovah-Ropheka or Jehovah-Rapha means the Lord our Healer
  • Jehovah-Shalom means the Lord our Peace
  • Jehovah-Tsidkenu means the Lord our Righteousness
  • Jehovah-Mekaddeshkem means the Lord our Sanctifier
  • Jehovah-Rohi means the Lord our Shepherd
  • Jehovah-Shammah means the Lord is Present or the Lord is There
  • Jehovah-Sabbaoth means the Lord of Hosts
  • El-Roi means the One Who Sees Me

Pages: 25
Price: $3 US

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